The most common exercise for low back pain.

The bird dog exercise is one of the most common exercises prescribed by rehab pros for low back pain and dysfunction. Even if you aren't in pain its a great drill to learn how to move your hips and shoulders off of a stable core. It can improve your shoulder stability for overhead pressing and even your hinge mechanics in a squat and deadlift. However, due to its popularity, it tends to be an exercise that is performed incorrectly more often than not. If you can master the positions of the bird dog you will undoubtedly get stronger faster by virtue of improved biomechanics.


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Scientific strength training methods combined with a clinically based movement system.


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2020 Courses:

• Virtual - Principles of Loaded Movement Oct 17-18

• Virtual - Advanced Athlete Preparation Nov 14-15

• Portland, OR Dec 5-6 (Coaches Cert)






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