Back Pain During Early Pregnancy : Causes And Super Easy Treatments | Back Pain During Pregnancy

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In this video, I will talk about the causes and treatments of back pain during early pregnancy.

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So, let’s get started.

For many women, one of the biggest complaints during pregnancy is that aching back!

Somewhere between half of all pregnant women will experience back pain.

Causes of back pain during early pregnancy.

1. Hormone increase.

During your pregnancy, your body releases hormones that help ligaments and joints in your pelvis to soften and loosen.

This is important for the delivery of your baby, later in your pregnancy.

But the hormones don’t just work in your pelvis.

They move throughout your entire body, affecting all your joints.

In the first trimester of your pregnancy, this softening and loosening can directly impact your back.

You’ll often feel this in the form of aches and pains.

2. Stress.

Stress can be a contributor to back pain, whether or not you’re pregnant.

Stress increases muscle pain and tightness, particularly in areas of weakness.

If hormones are already wreaking havoc on your joints and ligaments, a little bit of anxiety about work, family, your pregnancy, or anything at all can go a long way to making your back hurt.

3. Shifting center of gravity.

As your belly gets bigger, your center of gravity creeps forward.

This can lead to changes in your posture that can affect how you sit, stand, move, and sleep.

Bad posture, standing for too long, and bending over, can trigger or worsen back pain.

4. Weight gain.

Your back must also support the growing weight of your baby, which can strain the muscles.

Women who are overweight or have had back pain before becoming pregnant are at a greater risk of back pain during their pregnancies.

Treatment for early back pain during pregnancy.

No matter what stage of your pregnancy you’re in, there are ways to treat back pain.

You probably won’t be able to prevent it completely, but you can help to minimize the pain.

Follow these tips for reducing back pain throughout your pregnancy.

1. Focus on maintaining good posture when you’re seated or standing. Stand straight, with your chest high, and your shoulders back and relaxed.

2. Try to avoid standing for long periods of time.

3. If you need to pick something up, remember to squat instead of bending at the waist.

4. Avoid lifting heavy things.

5. Wear sensible shoes that offer support.

6. Try sleeping on your side, not your back, with pillows tucked beneath your belly and between your knees for gentle support.

7. Practice pregnancy-safe exercises designed to strengthen and support your abdomen and back.

8. As your abdomen grows, consider wearing a supportive garment or belt to help take some of the pressure off your back.

9. Research local chiropractors who specialize in pregnancy-related care and learn more about how an adjustment can help relieve back pain.

10. When seated, try to elevate your feet and make sure your chair offers good back support.

11. Try to get plenty of rest.

If your back pain seems to be linked to your stress levels, things like meditation, prenatal yoga, and extra rest can all be helpful ways to manage your stress levels.

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