Low Back Pain SUBJECTIVE Physical Therapy Exam | Part 1

This video explains what the subjective physical therapy exam is all about and what specific question you should be asking in the subjective exam.

I broke down a physical therapy evaluation into 4 parts:

1. Subjective

2. Objective

3. Treatment

4. Home exercise program/education

Link to video that breaks a physical therapy tips on how to ask questions in the subjective physical therapy exam:

1. keep it open ended 5:45

2. be as objective as possible (numbered answer) 6:18

3. Your focus should be on the chief complaint that the patient is coming in for 7:26

4. Focus on what aggravates and relaxes (aggs and eases) the pain, because the patient’s symptoms and pain is what is going to drive your thinking 7:52

5. Each question should have a purpose 8:48

Subjective Questions

1. Chief complaint 10:00

2. How/when it happened 10:29

3. Body chart pain location 10:44

4. Pain TDC - type, depth, constancy 12:30

5. Aggs 14:15

6. Ease 16:20

7. AM/PM 17:05

8. Sleep 17:39

9. Job/hobbies/functional tasks or movements 18:47

10. Med Hx 19:30

11. Fam Hx

12. Imagine

13. Medication

14. Red flag 20:10

15. Goals 20:55

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Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
