What ACTUALLY Causes Back Pain - HINT:*Your Bones Aren't Out of Place*

There are so many people who think that their bones go "out of place," or that it's "tight muscles," or they have a bad mattress... the reality is that bones don't go out of place, unless you've had some sort of trauma, and that your back pain is likely more closely related to some sort of spasm, nerve irritation, a disc herniation (can happen without symptoms, too), stenosis, and a few other reasons.

It's important to note that just because you are experiencing back pain and you had some sort of diagnostic imaging done, MRI, xray, CT scan, etc. and it "found" something, this doesn't mean that it's the end of the world. Herniated discs heal, symptoms can usually be improved with spinal stenosis, back spasms typically improve, and sciatica (nerve irritation) typically also improves with time and different types of movements.

It's so disingenuous and lazy of healthcare providers to tell people that their "back is out of place," or their "hip is out of place," and this is what's causing their pain. This is absolute nonsense and takes the power away from the patient! Don't let this thought virus infect you!

#lowerbackpain #whatcausesbackpain #backpainrelief

**not medical advice, purely educational.**

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
