Accessing chiropractic care for back pain after seeing a primary care provider

Low back pain (LBP) is common, disabling and costly. Recent American College of Physicians guidelines recommend nonpharmacologic treatments (e.g., acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation) as safe and effective first-line approaches for LBP. However, integration of these treatments into large healthcare delivery systems is rare, and referrals from primary care to nonpharmacologic treatment in the community is uncommon.

This presentation will use chiropractic care as an example of this care gap. Eric Roseen, DC, MSc will be joined by Samantha Simmons, MPH; Steven Atlas, MD, MPH; and Meena Kumar MD, a panel with expertise in back pain, primary care, and implementation science. They will discuss barriers and implementation strategies to increase access to chiropractic care for LBP among patients initially seen by their primary care provider.

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