Back Pain With Good Posture | Why your back still hurts even with perfect posture THE FIX

Back Pain With Good Posture | Why your back still hurts even with perfect posture

There is such thing as having back pain with good posture. It's really frustrating especially if you have been working hard to correct your posture for back pain relief.

►► Grab my FREE 7-DAY Band and Bodyweight Strength Training Program (Back Pain lot of people try to correct bad posture by forcefully contracting the muscles that make them look like they have better posture OR they buy a brace thinking this is going to help.

This only creates more issues while on this journey of beating back pain with good posture.

In this video, I explain why forcing yourself into a better posture is not going to work with getting long-term relief from your lower back pain and what to do instead!

I mention a video talking about the posture corrector:

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