Easy Stretch for Throat Pain, Chest Tightness, Forward Head Posture, Text Neck, Ear Pain + Jaw Pain

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Looking down at our phones and computers puts 60lbs or more of pressure on the cervical spine, which can cause a cascade of pain and muscle inhibitions due to these tension imbalances in the body.

This video is an upgraded version of an old favorite: an easy, gentle, do-anywhere compressed fascial STRETCH for your anterior (front) neck, including your scalene and SCM muscles (neck), subclavius (just below your clavicle), chest and jaw.

Bringing length, fluidity and elasticity back into the anterior neck and chest helps relieve the posterior (back), which is actually (contrary to the way it might feel) getting overstretched.

One really important thing to understand about fascia is that it will create adhesions or "knots" in muscles that are getting overstretched, in a protective effort to keep them in their "real estate" in the body.

But...if we focus our fascia release (or massage) efforts there and ignore the real cause, it can often backfire because we've just "loosened" the very tissue that's getting overstretched, while the short and dense tissue stays the same.

A full solution for this (if forward head posture, neck pain or mid back pain is your primary issue right now) would look like:

1️⃣ Releasing key areas of the front body (biceps, front deltoids, pec minor/chest, anterior neck)

2️⃣ THEN releasing some of the knots in the back (traps, rhomboids, triceps, lats)

3️⃣ Finally - habit and postural correction, which might include raising your computer (and phone!) to eye level, self-correcting the forward head posture that will naturally try to creep back in, strengthening your posterior neck and back muscles (traps, rhomboids, lats) and taking as many stretch/movement breaks as your work allows throughout the day.

The stretch I’m showing you today will target the fascia within the following muscles: scalenes, SCMs, subclavius, pec major and pec minor (chest) and the small hyoid and digastric muscles of the throat and jaw.

This stretch is really good for targeting anterior neck tightness and throat pain, chest tightness or chest constriction, jaw tension and jaw pain (or TMJD), ear pain and inner ear “fogginess” along with helping to address shoulder and posterior neck, upper shoulders and mid back pain patterns associated with forward head posture, text neck, rounded shoulders or forward rotated shoulders and the chronic bad postures we adopt in order to be on our phones and computers so much.

Please try and share this video with anyone you think could benefit!

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
