Exercise for back pain・腰痛エクササイズ

When it comes to treatment, we think of going to the doctor. Pain relief injections, medicines to improve blood flow, surgery, electrical treatment etc. .. may get better temporarily. However, those treatments do not work for the symptoms that result from bone misalignment.

This video is an exercise method to correct the displacement of the lumbar spine and radically improve the pain in the lower back.

This exercise was done when I fell and my hip bones were distorted.In my case, I continued for about 10 days every day at first, and after that, I practiced every two days and healed completely in about two months.

Let's practice together ! Keiko:)




▼ Youtube Channel We offer one to one sessions such as instructor courses online(Japanese or English)

Web Site: Link :)

"Qigong walking basic level"at amazon video we call Qigong walking is a method of unifying the corresponding the right and left lobes of the brain with the entire half of the body directed by that left or right lobe. This walking method serves as an effective health enhancing exercise with many mental neurological and physiological benefits. Starring; Keiko Murakumo

▼ BOOK Link :)

"A Book to Teach Qigong" Keiko Murakumo/Version Kindle Qigong Diet and Qigong 14 Movements"

by Amazon.com Services Qigong Diet and Qigong 14 Movements"

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
