What Causes Low Back Pain | Saulnier Family Chiropractic

Low back pain is the number one reason people worldwide visit their doctor and miss work. So why do so many people struggle with back pain? In many cases, your daily habits are a big contributor to your back pain.

The good news? An overwhelming majority of people recover from back pain naturally or with a little additional help from a chiropractor.

Our friend Dr. Jeff Langmaid breaks it all down in this new video.

And remember, even if you typically recover from a low back pain episode by taking it easy for a few days, it's still a smart decision to visit a chiropractor to discover the specific steps you can take to reduce your chances of experiencing back pain in the future.

If you're in or near Medfield, we hope you'll think of us and give us a call at (508) 242-5161.

Our doors are open, and we're here to help!


Science Source(s):

Back Pain Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic. 2020.

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
