Sitting Postures in Yoga/ Asanas in Baithik Stithi,Yoga for Backpain,Easy yoga poses, Beginners Yoga

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Episode# 3 Sitting Postures in Yoga

In this video the focus is on the sitting postures. There are stretches to prepare the body to go into advance practices.

Let's go into the ongoing journey with our lovely instructor Shyama Sharma

There five Asanas performed in this video. Below are the list of those with their benefits:

1. Vajrasan: Helps keep the mind calm and stable. Cures digestive acidity and gas formation. Helps to relieve knee pain. Strengthen thigh muscles. Help to relieve back pain. Srengthen sexual organs.

Helps in treatment of urinary problems.

2. Marjarasana: Practicing this asana on a regular basis improves the posture of the body, strengthens the muscles and joints. Gently massages the abdominal region and increase the flexibility of spine, shoulder & neck. Improves the flow of blood in the body hence better circulation.

3. Ushtrasana: Entire back muscles are contracted. A good stretch to the lungs, to the throat. Improves breathing by opening up the chest. Hence good for Asthmatics. Reduces fat on the abdomen and thighs.

4. Yoga Mudra: The impact is on the spinal column that gets a good stretch. It works on the endocrine system – the pituitary and esp the pineal gland. The abdominal wall becomes healthy and strong and improves the health of the abdomen.

5. Vakrasana: The muscles of the abdomen, chest and the spine become more strong and flexible. It improves the function of the pancreas, which is beneficial for people with diabetes. Improves the lung capacity making breathing easier. The cervical nerves are enhanced.

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