Yoga |Back pain relief

People find in Yoga peace and relief and I decided to focus today's practice on giving your back attention and care.

On the subtle-body level, the spine is the main channel for bringing our energy ( Prana) into equilibrium.

To understand how this works, let’s take a closer look at the structure of the energy body. According to the yogis, there are thousands of channels in the body, called NADIS.

The nadis make up a circulatory system for our subtle energy, similar to our physical network of veins and arteries. Instead of transporting blood, the nadis carry prana (life force) throughout the body. Three nadis are singled out as critical: ida, pingala, and sushumna.

Pingala and ida represent, respectively, the heating and cooling energies of the body, often symbolized by the sun and moon, male and female deities, or sacred rivers. While we might naturally think of them as opposites, they’re really inseparable complements engaged in a perpetual energetic exchange, the dance of life.

Nadis and Chakras can be balanced and fortunately, yoga practices like asana, pranayama, and meditation provide us with the means to harmonize our energy around sushumna. Then our energy shifts into a state the yogis call samatva (equanimity), a condition of balance, peace, and intense self-awareness.

Source of information:

Yoga 15 minutes and try this lesson with me, if you feel good after try again, and again and again. You will feel great eventually and Yoga will be part of your daily life.

The best way to feel good is feeling good !

Hari Om


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