Stretches for lower back and hip pain | #shorts | Read description for details

Simple 30-second morning ritual eliminates back pain

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According to a top Philadelphia doctor, the #1 cause of nagging low back pain ISN’T your posture, injuries, or even genetics. It’s actually a neglected muscle buried deep near your pelvis.

When THIS muscle gets tight, it crushes the sensitive nerves in your spine -- leading to stabbing low back pain, sciatica, and shooting aches down your leg. Not good…

Fortunately, there’s a gentle 30-second morning ritual you can do right now. It targets this muscle directly to relieve your lower back pain -- NO drugs, injections, or expensive therapies required. This short video reveals how to do it:

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Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci (the father of modern anatomy) cured low back pain some 700 years ago?

It’s true.

Buried in his research journals…

Da Vinci wrote about something called the iliacus muscle.

Which is a large muscle that helps attach your hips to our spine. And for many people…

This muscle can be the cause of all your nagging low back pain.

You see when your iliacus muscle gets too tight (from things like sitting too long or not enough exercise)...

It starts to pull on the vertebrae in your spinal column.

And it can pull them so hard that it not only puts pressure on your other back muscles…

But also on the sensitive nerves that run up and down your spine.

This is why physical therapy, chiropractors, and even surgery never seem to fully get rid of back pain.

They don’t get to the root of what’s causing the problem!

So how do you stretch your iliacus muscle and relieve your lower back pain?

A Pennsylvania doctor has created this short video to show you exactly how...

With a simple morning ritual that can relieve your back pain in less than 30 seconds.

I know that’s a big promise…

But it’s worked again and again for this Pennsylvania doctor’s patients.

Including Matt J, who after 1 day of using the movement woke up the next morning pain free.

Sal B, who used the movement for 3 days and became completely back pain free.

And Brian W., who says: ““After using the movement for just one day, the pain has completely disappeared!”

Find out exactly what to do to relieve your lower back pain in less than 30 seconds right here:

The Back Pain Breakthrough is the #1 Doctor approved and doctor created solution for people who suffer with low back pain and sciatica.

Topics covered in this video are:

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Back Pain Breakthrough,

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stretches for lower back and hip pain,

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