The Worst Stretches for Low Back Pain #shorts

3 Worst Stretches for Low Back Pain and what to do instead

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3 Worst Stretches for Low Back Pain and what to do instead:

- Forward fold

- Crescent Pose

- Pulling Knee to the Chest

We will answer these questions in the long version of this title:

- What are the worst stretches for lower back pain?

- Which stretches are bad for back?

- Which stretches are the worst ones for lower back pain?

- What are the best stretches for lower back pain?

- How to do forward fold?

- How to do crescent pose?

- How to do pulling knee to the chest?

- Which stretching exercises are suitable for low back pain?

- Which stretches are not suitable for low back pain?

- Which stretching exercises are harmful for low back pain?

- What exercises should we not do when we have low back pain?

- What should we not do when we have back pain?

- Which stretching movements have side effects?

- Which stretching exercises are not suitable for low back pain?

- Which stretching exercises affect low back pain?

Number Three

Forward fold

This exercise may be good for releasing tension in your spine, hamstring, and your glutes. If you do this standing stretch correctly, you should feel the opening and lengthening of the entire backside of your body. but the fact is that this stretch may be beneficial for those who do not have back pain, but for people who suffer from back pain will increase their pain after a short-term relief. Instead of this stretch, it is better to try a cat stretch. This stretch focuses on both upper body and lower body muscles. You can do it not only in the morning but also at the end of the day to relax your muscles and joints. For doing this exercise you should get down on all fours pose. Flat you back. Then you should round your spine and arch the back; drop the chin to chest. Gently contract your abdominals as you do this taking care not to hold your breath. Hold for five seconds, relax and repeat. Do a total of five arches.

Number Two

Crescent Pose

This stretch has been considered a good choice for those who want to engage their abdominal and hip muscles. It may have been suggested to the people who suffer from lower back pain which is caused by prolonged sitting. Prolonged sitting has many side effects, and one of them is lower back pain. If you are curious about it, there is a video on our channel which discusses prolonged sitting side effects in detail, you can check it out too. Okay, let's get back to our topic! This stretch may have an effect on your hips, but not the pain you feel from prolonged sitting. Prolonged sitting will shorten a muscle called the psoas. Studies have shown that back pain tends to tighten this muscle even further. This is problematic because the psoas is attached to the lumbar spine. When this muscle becomes tightened it can pull your pelvis forward and down into an anteriorly tilted position which can increase the compressive force on your lower back and will worsen the pain you already have. stretching this part of the body will ease the pain you have experienced by prolonged sitting. You can try a better version of crescent stretch which is called the psoas stretch, by putting one of your legs forward. Then raise the opposite arm over the head. Bend your side a little. Drop shoulder back, and hold the pose for two seconds, then lunge and repeat. 6 lunges per side will be effective.

Number One

Pulling Knee to the Chest

This stretch is also among those who harm your back pain more than it heals. So, if you are sitting all day long especially in a poor posture, you have to try a better stretch which gives you permanent pain relief. The drill we will give you will help you to combat the pressure which is caused by sitting. While you stand up after a prolonged sitting in a poor posture, you may feel stress that has been built up in the posterior part of the disc. The stretch we are going to be suggesting you starts by putting your hands simply behind your back, then relaxing your body. For the next step, you should progressively dispel the stress you feel in your spine by putting your hands over your head and allow them to dissipate some of the posterior stress in the disc. So, you should stand up first with arms overhead for ten seconds, reach higher and farther back for another ten seconds, then deeply breathe into an upright posture, and then put the arms down. By breaking up every 30 minutes of prolonged sitting with this drill, you are able to avoid excessive pain in your disc and your back.

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