IT BAND PAIN RELIEF 😅 Self Massage and Hip Rotation Routine

FREE report - Why Stretching Won't Make You #1 muscle In Your Body that is the Key to Eliminating Joint & Back Pain, Anxiety and Looking Chris Wilson kicks off his shoes and shows you how he deals with a tight and sore IT band. The iliotibial band (IT band) is connective tissue that runs along the outside of the legs from mid thigh to the outside of the knee.

This band connects to the TFL or tensor fascia latae which is the muscle that attaches up around the hips. THIS is the area you want to target when foam rolling and doing any kind of self massage. In this video, Chris shows you how he likes to move and rotate his hips to improve blood circulation and stretch the muscles surrounding the hips. he also has very tight quads.

After doing this, you can also do some self massage in different ways with foam rollers and any other tools you have handy. Do this kind of restorative hip health technique on their own. This is not a warm up before a workout. This is a recovery day. This can be done once or a few times per week separately from your strength training sessions.

Thank you for watching the Critical Bench YouTube channel. Please be sure to give this video a big thumbs up, subscribe to our channel for more videos about hip health and self massage and please leave a comment or question for Chris, he'd love to get back to you and answer your questions!

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