Scoliosis Workout | Upper Body Stretches For Tight Back

It's common for people with scoliosis, Scheuermann's Kyphosis and other spinal conditions to feel tight or stiff in their back. Lots of people try to find stretches for the specific parts of their back where they're feeling symptoms... but did you know that tightness in the shoulders, chest, and arms may be contributing to that?

Here are some of the most common upper body stretches that we prescribe to our clients, to decrease some of the tension through the arms and shoulders, to help with back tightness and pain.

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1) Wall Angels - check in, how does this feel?

2) Semihang Hold

3) Bicep and Chest Stretch (Right)

4) Bicep and Chest Stretch (Left)

5) Modified Child's Pose

6) Kneeling Chest Opener

7) Forearm Stretch (on back of hands)

8) Forearm Stretch (on palms)

9) Sideways Neck Stretch - Upper Fiber Traps (Right)

10) Angled Neck Stretch - Levator Scapula (Right)

11) Sideways Neck Stretch - Upper Fiber Traps (Left)

12) Angled Neck Stretch - Levator Scapula (Left)

13) Pec Stretch on Foam Roller

14) Wall Angels - re-assess, how does this movement feel now?

TSC Connect is powered by The ScoliClinic and The Scoliosis Collective. Check us us on instagram:



*Although the movements are designed to maintain a neutral spine position, this general workout is NOT meant to replace treatment by a scoliosis-trained Physiotherapist. If you're looking to prevent the progression of your curve or address pain or other symptoms, please discuss any specifics of your condition with a medical professional who knows your situation.

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