Yoga For Lower Back Pain | Stretches For Back Pain Relief (Follow Along) | Yoga with Naveen

Do you experience lower back pain often due to long hours sitting on a chair for work?

If yes, you must practice the yoga routine shared in this video every day

And if you do so, you will forget about the back pain.

In this video, I am sharing asana that will help you relieve stiffness from the lower back, hips, hip flexors, and hamstrings. When the mentioned muscles are stiff, it leads to back pain. and that’s why you must practice it every day to feel that comfort in your back.

In case you have chronic back pain, do consult your doctor before practicing this video.

I hope you enjoy the video.

Yoga For Lower Back Pain | Stretches For Back Pain Relief

01:21 - Cat Cow Pose

02:43 - Adhomukha Avanasana Variation

04:07 - Ardha Matsyendrasana

06:59 - Kapotasana

10:10 - Saral Bhujangaasana

11:45 - Balasana

13:05 - Supta Kapotasana

15:04 - Anand Balasana

16:39 - Supta Padangusthasana A

18:30 - Setu Bandhasna

19:22 - Jathar Parivartanasana

20:33 - Savasana

Let me know in the comment section how do you find this video and would you like to practice next.

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