Stretching for LOWER BACK PAIN relief | feel better in only 10 minutes | yoga for back pain

Hi guys, in this 10 minutes yoga stretching, we focus on opening our hips and lower back muscles to release tension and pain from lower back which occurs very often after long sitting, standing, walking or lifting heavy things.

My goal in every video is to help you to build a better balance between strength and flexibility to improve your body mobility and body awareness. I am yoga teacher currently living in Bali so I also want to share the magical atmosphere of this beautiful island with you. Namaste :-)

Music from Uppbeat (free for code: CGVYQDL6VBL10DID

Disclaimer: This video is not a medical advice and it is no way meant to replace or contradict the advice from a certified medical doctor. Please consult your primary care provider to discuss treatment for any personal health concerns.

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