Quick Stretch for Hip Pain | Stretch and Myofascial Release Psoas | FSS Rehab Co

Quick Stretch for Hip Pain | Stretch and Myofascial Release Psoas | FSS Rehab Co

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Hip pain or tension in the anterior hip can often be due to the Iliopsoas muscle being dysfunctional. Usually, we see it tight on one side and overstrained on the other.

The iliopsoas is the biggest and strongest hip flexor we have. It attaches to the transverse processes and anterior vertebral bodies and discs of every level in the lumbar spine. It then covers the entire inner portion of the iliac fossa and attaches to the lesser trochanter of the femur. This is important to know because this muscle is a common cause of back pain. Most people with chronic back pain have some sort of dysfunction in the iliopsoas.

So we are going to give you some ways to stretch and release this muscle to improve function and bring symmetry back to this area.


You should be evaluated for specific issues you are having, whether that is with a chiropractor or physical therapist. This is just one movement, and if you are having persistent pain, you need to handle all aspects of what is creating the problem to achieve long-term stability.

📩 For in-office evaluation in the Central KY area, you can contact me by email at doctorb@fssrehab.com or by phone: (859) 278-8000.

If you are outside this area, you can check this link for a provider in your area: you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email or leave a comment.

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#Psoasexercises #Psoasstretch #psoasrelease #psoasmuscle #psoaspain

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Thank you for watching and see you in the next video!!

Much Love Peace and Blessings 💖

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