10 MIN BYE BYE ROUND BACK - workout & stretching, fix your posture, for a straight back

Having a hard time sitting straight? Walking around with a humpback, making yourself smaller than you are? Let’s get you a straight back! ♥︎ / Werbung

▸ The typical "desk position" can lead to tightness and your back looking round = sitting a lot can make this happen!

▸ It might be comfy for the moment to sit with a round back... but long-term you will most likely suffer from back pain and stiffness

▸ Standing straight instantly makes you look taller, fitter & more confident! ♥︎

▸ This routine opens the chest, mobilizes the spine, stretches the shoulders and the back.

Let's get a better posture!


You can do this after any kind of workout, after sitting at your desk for a long time, in the morning or before you go to bed :) there is no "wrong" timing here.

No Equipment needed. Just prepare a soft surface like a yoga mat or towel :) .. and a wall haha.





Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
