people are suffering from back pain & stiffness in lumbar. Do Supta padangusthasna #backpain #pain

Nowadays people are suffering from severe back pain.

Because of long time work laptop, excessive usage of mobile phone, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, stress, insomnia and many more .


BY DOING THIS SUPTA Padangusthasana regularly for few minutes can ease your pain in spine and helps you to Maintain Easy lifestyle.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Must practise this Asan everyday for best results.


➡️ Helps create traction in the lower back, which can relieve compression and tension

➡️ Can help in Sciatic Pain

➡️ Helps to control blood pressure,

➡️ Good for infertility and constipation

➡️ Flexes the legs for advance poses

For details do messages us

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