Simple daily stretches to treat sciatica pain! #shorts #sciatica #rehabilitation

Sciatica is a condition that can lead to pain in the back and legs. It occurs when pain travels along the path of the sciatic nerve.

The most effective way to relieve sciatica pain is through physical therapy. It is active, educational and will help you restore function and confidence.

You are just a few stretches away from feeling mobile with symptom free! Build back your confidence and join in this comprehensive stretching program, designed to effectively manage and relieve your pain symptoms.

💪🏼 Future fit yourself by learning these stretches and exercises for sciatica pain and don’t miss out on the important moments in life from nerve pain!

Subscribe to my channel for a comprehensive video on sciatica pain management! #sciaticapain #pain #tingling #numbness #radiatingpain #stretching #exercises #exerciseathome #flexibility #rangeofmotion #rehab #fitness #prehab #movement #health #slipdisc #backpain #alliedhealth #painrelief #rehabilitation #exercisephysiology #physiotherapy #functionality #sciaticatreatment #sciaticacauses

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