Simple Lower Back Stretches - for Beginners

Hello everyone! I know lower back stretching is a HUGE topic, but I wanted to give just some simple stretches. Nothing complicated, no equipment, and it doesn't take too much time out of your day. So often I find that with lower back stretch ESPECIALLY, things get over complicated and the description of the stretches do too. It's really a very easy place to stretch, just wake up and start your day with these! Also, I wanted to pick stretches that anyone could do at any level. Lower back pain tends to worsen as we get older and our range of motion declines. These people in this category need easy that they can do and still take care of themselves. Leave the complicated stretches to the young buff athletes lol. Anywho, I will see you guys tomorrow for our technique breakdown of, you guessed it, lower back stretches. Where I will go into detail about this video, the stretches, and the anatomy behind why we do these certain ones.

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