6 Best Lower Back Pain Stretches In Less Than 10 Mins Easy Routine


Lower back/sciatica pain recovery challenge: www.bashbackpain.com/pain-relief-course

These are stretches you should do to relieve lower back pain and stiffness in the lower back. It can also help relieve pain from sciatica and herniated/bulging disc pain.

The key to effectively treating lower back pain with conservative exercise is to stretch out the structures that are tight and strengthen the structures that are weak.

In this video, I’ve put together six of the most effective stretches and exercises designed to help relieve your lower back pain symptoms.

BONUS….there is actually 7! So you get one extra to help you on the road to recovery 😊

These are some of the same exercises that I used myself in my own recovery program and I have prescribed them to many of my clients over the years as homework between sessions.

They are incredibly effective and can help reduce back pain considerably when performed on a regular basis.

All these stretches and exercises can be done at home or in the office and don't require any special equipment.

You can do them at any time but I would advise against doing them first thing in the morning as you may actually exacerbate a lower back problem.

Always stretch within your comfort level and never push past your pain barrier, avoid rapid bouncing movements whilst you stretch and ease into each one carefully.

00:00 Introduction and background

01:02 Lower Back Relaxation

03:22 Glute Stretch

05:06 Hamstring Stretch

06:55 Hip Mobility Exercise

08:31 Inner Thigh Stretch

09:52 Hip Flexor Stretch

11:55 Cat Camel Spinal Mobility Exercise

I hope you enjoy these simple stretches/exercises which can help get rid of sore, tight lower back pain.

Below are some other useful videos that can help if you are suffering from bulging/herniated discs.

How to perform daily tasks if you suffer from herniated/bulging discs -

How to train your core with a herniated disc -

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If you have any questions about this video please hit me up in the comments below.

Enquiries: info@bashbackpain.com

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
